package {

     * Data model for the Territories board
     * (curse Adobe for making the Vector class final)
     * @author timpalpant
    public dynamic class TerritoriesModel extends Array {
        private var _rows:uint;
        private var _columns:uint;
        public function TerritoriesModel(rows:uint, columns:uint) {
            _rows = rows;
            _columns = columns;
            for(var i:uint = 0; i < rows; i++) {
                var row:Array = new Array();
                for(var j:uint = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                    row.push(new Territory(i, j));
         * Checks to see if a coordinate is within the territories model 
         * @param rowIndex
         * @param columnIndex
         * @return whether or not the territory is valid
        public function contains(row:uint, column:uint):Boolean {
            return (row < _rows) && (column < _columns);
         * Gets the score of a player, territory, or location on the board
         * (or, please implement overloading in AS4)
         * @param args
         * @return 
        public function getScore(...args):uint {
            var n:uint = args.length;
            if(n == 1) {
                if(args[0] is Player)
                    return getPlayerScore(args[0]);
                if(args[0] is Territory)
                    return getTerritoryScore(args[0]);
            if(n == 2 && (args[0] is uint) && (args[1] is uint))
                return getIndexScore(args[0], args[1]);
            return 0;
         * Computes the score/value of an indexed location (territory)
         * @param row
         * @param column
         * @return the point value of the indexed territory
        private function getIndexScore(row:uint, column:uint):uint {
            if(!contains(row, column))
                return 0;
            var territory:Territory = this[row][column] as Territory;
            // TODO: This could be more elegant...?
            var score:uint = 0;
            if(contains(row+1, column) && territory.owner == (this[row+1][column] as Territory).owner)
            if(contains(row-1, column) && territory.owner == (this[row-1][column] as Territory).owner)
            if(contains(row, column+1) && territory.owner == (this[row][column+1] as Territory).owner)
            if(contains(row, column-1) && territory.owner == (this[row][column-1] as Territory).owner)
            return score;
         * Computes the point value of a territory 
         * @param territory
         * @return the territory's score
        private function getTerritoryScore(territory:Territory):uint {
            return getIndexScore(territory.rowIndex, territory.columnIndex);
         * Computes the score of an individual player across the board
         * @param player
         * @return 
        private function getPlayerScore(player:Player):uint {
            var score:uint = 0;
            for each(var row:Array in this) {
                for each(var territory:Territory in row) {
                    if(territory.owner == player)
                        score += getTerritoryScore(territory);
            return score;
         * Gets the potential change in score for a territory
         * if the player were to select it 
         * @param territory the hypothetical selection
         * @return delta-score for the player
        public function getPotentialDelta(territory:Territory, player:Player):uint {
            // Don't allow changes to already selected territories
                return 0;
            var currentScore:uint = getPlayerScore(player);
            territory.owner = player;
            var potentialScore:uint = getPlayerScore(player);
            territory.owner = null;
            return potentialScore - currentScore;
        public function getLeader(players:Array):Player {
            var winners:Array = new Array();
            var highScore:Number = 0;
            for each(var player:Player in players) {
                if(player.score > highScore) {
                    winners = new Array();
                    highScore = player.score;
                } else if(player.score == highScore) {
            // Return a distinct leader
            // Return one of the leaders (at random) if there is no distinct leader
            if(winners.length == 1) {
                return winners[0];
            } else if(winners.length > 1) {
                var random:uint = Math.floor(Math.random() * winners.length);
                return winners[random];
            return null;
         * Represents whether or not all territories are selected 
         * @return whether or not the model is full
        public function get full():Boolean {
            for each(var row:Array in this) {
                for each(var territory:Territory in row) {
                        return false;
            return true;