<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    Visual representation of a player
<mx:HBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" 
    width="100%" verticalAlign="top">
            import us.palpant.games.territories.ai.ITerritoriesAI;
            import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
            import mx.events.ColorPickerEvent;
            import us.palpant.games.players.Player;
             * Reference to the player model which this entry represents
            [Bindable] public var player:Player;
             * Reference to the set of available AIs in the PlayerManager
            [Bindable] public var availableAIs:ArrayCollection;
            private static const person:Class;
            private static const computer:Class;
             * Manual reverse binding since it doesn't work correctly for ColorPicker
            private function onColorChange(event:ColorPickerEvent):void {
                player.color = event.color;
             * Switch player type in the model and
             * change the image 
            private function changePlayerType():void {
                if(player.type == Player.HUMAN) {
                    player.type = Player.COMPUTER;
                    playerTypeImage.source = computer;
                } else {
                    player.type = Player.HUMAN;
                    playerTypeImage.source = person;
        <mx:Fade id="fadeEffect" duration="1500"/>
        <mx:Resize id="resizeEffect"/>
    <!-- Set up reverse bindings so changes in the form are reflected in the object -->
    <mx:Binding source="nameField.text" destination="player.name" />
    <mx:Binding source="aiSelector.selectedItem as ITerritoriesAI" destination="player.AI" />
    <mx:Image id="playerTypeImage" source="{person}" 
        height="40" width="40"
    <mx:Label text="Name:"/>
    <mx:VBox resizeEffect="{resizeEffect}">
        <mx:TextInput id="nameField" text="{player.name}"/>
        <mx:ComboBox id="aiSelector" showEffect="{fadeEffect}"
            dataProvider="{availableAIs}" labelField="name"
            visible="{player.type == Player.COMPUTER}" includeInLayout="{player.type == Player.COMPUTER}"/>
    <mx:ColorPicker id="colorField" selectedColor="{player.color}" change="onColorChange(event)"/>